Understanding the Social Search Marketing Strategy
Posted on October 9, 2013
Each and everyday people try to come up with new ways to make sure that their content is the first that people see when searching the internet. But what if we told you that making your content seen by millions has been right there the whole time; you just did not know how to use the technique. It is true thousands use the social search technique all the time and it is something so simple, but what makes it different from the Social Media Marketing techniques that are also used all of the time?
What is Social Searching?
Social Searching is something that we do as humans all of the time without realizing that we are doing it. Social searching is what is happening when you are on the internet looking for a product or service and it will tell you if your friends, family or anyone close to you has searched for the same thing. A good example of social searching is when you go to Google and you search for something and in the right hand of the Google Search results screen you see your friends name with a picture that tells you that they too have looked for the same thing.
How Can I Incorporate Social Searching and What will it Do for Me?
One of the best ways to incorporate social searching into your website is by using the combination of keywords and hashtags together with relevant, quality content. By utilizing this simple process what you will end up doing is increasing your web traffic even more than if you were to just use social media marketing.
But there is more than just increased traffic to be gained when using this technique. When you use this method you will also be adding the ability to make your website one of a kind; unique from any other website out there. This then in turn will make your website gain more popularity on the internet; helping it to become a top rated website on the many different search engines like Google and Bing.
It is all About How You Connect With Your Audience
In reality the main thing to keep in mind is that it is all about the way you connect with your audience. By taking the time to make sure you have a solid, positive connection with your audience you will find that your social interaction with your customers is going to go through the roof; when that happens you also will find that your company’s income is going to greatly increase as well.